Monday, 5 May 2014

Bryan Silva Died? Nope, Vine ‘Star’ Wasn’t Shot, Killed for Slurs; Posts Updates

Bryan Silva, the maker of popular Vine videos, wasn’t shot and killed for making racial slurs in Vine videos, and he uploaded a video after a death hoax went viral.

The fake report was published to, which is a “satire” news company.
“Around 11:00 a.m., Brian, 23, was gunned down just outside a doorway at 1840 W Broad St. He had been shot five times in the head, becoming the first Caucasian killed in the area for overusing the ‘N’ word,” the fake report reads. “At the scene, Bryan’s body remained where he fell with a white sheet covering for an extended amount of time and in view of his relatives. Their emotions shifting from shock, to sadness and then anger.”
Huzlers has a disclaimer saying it doesn’t produce real news. “ is a combination of real shocking news and satire news to keep its visitors in a state of disbelief,” reads the About Us.
Silva on Sunday posted a Vine video, with his “#gratata” hashtag, meaning he’s still alive. He also posted a piece of a song on his Twitter account and made other tweets. 
The Huzlers satire was apparently making fun of Silva’s liberal use of the “N-word.” Silva gave an interview with, saying that “Yeah, I’ve earned my right to say that.”
He said he‘s earned that by “being on the block since I was eight years old. I’ve always had my fun in the streets. While these [expletive] were hating on the porch, I was having my fun in the streets.”
Silva added that “ever since I got the respect to say it no one say anything to to me. I’ve been saying that word since I was 11.”
And Silva implied that he has big plans ahead.
“I’m going to take over everything. As my real [expletive] start to hear my tracks and read into my interests. Real recognize real, it’s real simple,” he said.

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