Monday, 12 May 2014

Little Big Man: As Goes Tyrion Lannister, So Goes 'Game of Thrones'

It’s between the brothers, after all. As much as we all love Peter Dinklage and the iconic character he plays, in the universe of Game of Thrones, Tyrion Lannister is not well-liked. (Spoilers ahead for Game of Thrones, Episode 406)

There’s your normal Westeros dwarf hating, combined with the wrath of those enemies who fell victim to his acid tongue (usually directed at those who deserve it, but still.) Even those who respect Tyrion’s cunning, like Varys, realize there’s no game in publicly befriending—or defending—Tywin Lannister’s youngest son.
But blood is blood, and in Episode 406, Jaime Lannister is willing to throw away his own life as he knows it to spare his brother’s life. Money and military strength are important but in this world they’re really a means to an end: continuing a family’s line. That’s what Tywin wants more than anything, and he’s willing to put aside his hatred for Tyrion in order to make it happen.The deal is done—much the same deal that should have spared Nedd Stark— and an uneasy peace is struck. But while Tyrion is smart and savvy, he’s also flawed. He listens as his enemies testify against him. But when the love of his life, Shae takes the stand and largely tells the truth in the most damning way possible, he can’t take it anymore. This is a different kind of betrayal than Joffrey’s torments or his father’s disdain.
So he regresses.
At the beginning of Game of Thrones, Tyrion wasn’t a character to be taken seriously. He was witty and resourceful, but he was also selfish and venal. As he fell into a position of responsibility we saw a different Tyrion, one with a strong moral center and kind and just heart. And Game of Thrones became a different kind of show, one where brains became as important as brawn, and Tyrion was at the heart of this transformation.
We learned that the youngest Lannister was wise in ways the recent occupants of the Iron Throne were not. He showed us the real sources of power at King’s Landing. At the Purple Wedding he withstood the most vile debasement because he was willing to keep his eye on the greater good.
That kinder and gentler Tyrion seems to have been broken by months in prison, and that’s been one of the problems with Game of Thrones this season. Gone is the witty and cunning political deal maker, and in his place is the thin-skinned dwarf who used to battle in bars and brothels.
By simply speaking his mind at the trial, Tyrion unravels the deal that Jaime carefully constructed. We see Tyrion as his enemies see him: monstrous. (Indeed, Tywin may know his youngest son better than he would admit even to himself. Or maybe he just got lucky with Shae.)
Trial By Combat? That promises to be fun, and oh-so-dramatic. And indeed, Tyrion’s first trial by combat at the Eyrie marked the beginning of his–and the show’s–move toward greatness. Who’ll take up Tyrion’s cause? Bronn? Jaime? Some wild card? In any case, I don’t think I’m alone in hoping that we soon get our old Tyrion back.
What are your thoughts about the Tyrion’s role in Game of Thrones? The other goings on in Westeros? Share your thoughts in the comments below but if your post contains spoilers from the books, please flag them for your fellow fans who haven’t read the books yet.

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